Share your creative moments

Are you tired of uploading your short videos individually to Instagram and YouTube?
CrossPost Pro is here to revolutionize your social media experience!
The app simplifies the process, saving you time and effort by allowing you to share your videos across multiple platforms with just a few clicks.

Platform support & shorten upload time

Share your short videos on your favourite social media platforms

CrossPost empowers you to effortlessly share your short videos on your favorite social media platforms at once. Just one upload is required.

Say goodbye to the hassle of individually uploading your videos on different platforms — CrossPost streamlines the process, saving you time and ensuring maximum visibility for your content.

Whether you're a content creator, influencer, or simply someone who loves sharing moments with the world, CrossPost simplifies the experience, allowing you to focus on what matters most — creating and connecting.

Tag and Tag-Group managment

Manage your tags & tag groups so you don't have to enter them anew every time

You don't have desire or time to enter Tags every time you post? CrossPost solves this!

CrossPost simplifies tag management by allowing you to effortlessly organize tags and tag groups. Whether you're a seasoned creator or just starting out, our intuitive tag management system makes it easier than ever to optimize your content for maximum reach across social media platforms.

Take control of your tagging process and streamline your posting experience with CrossPost.


Individualize your posts across all platforms

At CrossPost, we understand that each platform has its own unique requirements and audience. That's why we empower you to individualize your uploads across all platforms effortlessly.

With our feature to separate titles, tags, and more for each platform, you can tailor your content to resonate with specific audiences while maintaining consistency across your channels.

No more one-size-fits-all approach — CrossPost gives you the flexibility and control to optimize your content strategy for maximum impact.

Frequently asked questions

How secure are my data in the app?


Industry-standard encryption protocols and secure HTTPS connections are used to ensure that your data remains safe and protected during transmission.

Additionally, we do not store any sensitive information that could personally identify you.

Your access tokens (of social media accounts) are securely transmitted using OAuth protocol, and once the upload process is complete, your video files are promptly deleted from our servers.

Can I still edit my posts after sharing them?


At present, CrossPost does not support editing posts after they have been shared. However, depending on user demand and feedback, this feature may be considered for future updates.

Nevertheless, you can still edit your posts directly through the respective social media platforms.

We are constantly striving to enhance our app's functionality based on user needs, so please feel free to share any suggestions or requests you may have.

Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of CrossPost.

Is it possible to schedule video posts?


At the moment, scheduling video posts is not a feature supported by CrossPost.

However, we are actively working on implementing this functionality in future updates, depending on user demand and engagement.

We understand the importance of scheduling posts for content creators and social media managers, and we are committed to providing a seamless experience for our users.

Stay tuned for updates as we continue to enhance CrossPost to meet your needs.

Are there any limitations on the length or size of videos that can be posted?


CrossPost itself does not impose any limitations on the length or size of videos that can be posted.

However, it's important to note that each social media platform may have its own restrictions on video length and file size for uploads.

As such, while CrossPost facilitates the sharing of videos across platforms, users should be aware of and adhere to the specific limitations set by each platform.